blurred vision

美 [blɜːrd ˈvɪʒn]英 [blɜːd ˈvɪʒn]
  • 视线模糊
blurred visionblurred vision
  1. Blurred vision , Do not know , Do not see .


  2. Scientists have found that too much screen time can cause eye fatigue and blurred vision .


  3. Some drugs cause drowsiness , others a dry mouth and blurred vision .


  4. Inflammation of the cornea causing watery painful eyes and blurred vision .


  5. Well it can cause blurred vision , rapid breathing , heavy sweats , confusion , headaches ,


  6. The significant symptoms included itching , excess mucus , diminished lens tolerance and blurred vision .


  7. She suffered from dizziness and blurred vision .


  8. Do you have headaches and blurred vision ?


  9. He suffers from blurred vision and headaches .


  10. The increased number of blurred vision along with the extension of the duration of disease , there is statistical significance ( P0.05 ) .


  11. Blurred vision , weight gain , dry mouth , and swelling of the hands and feet also were reported in clinical trials .


  12. Redness or blurred vision can be a nightmare for some contact wearers .


  13. Large pupils were considered attractive , but that beauty came at a cost . Belladonna elevated heart rate and blurred vision .


  14. Some artificial sweeteners are thought to cause blurred vision , dizziness , headaches and nausea in some people .


  15. We report the case of a38-year-old male patient with a1-year history of progressively blurred vision in his left eye .


  16. The victims ' symptoms included vomiting , dizziness , weakness and cramps in their limbs and blurred vision .


  17. When sprayed with tear gas , a player will have severe visual limitations imposed on him by way of blurred vision and the gas cloud .


  18. The symptoms preceding this include blurred vision , runny nose , tightness in the chest and constriction of the pupils .


  19. Symptoms of deadly nightshade poisoning include dilated pupils , sensitivity to light , blurred vision , headaches , confusion and convulsions .


  20. Experiment results show that our algorithm can reflect the complex scene structure more exactly than bilinear interpolation algorithm , and basically eliminate the blurred vision caused by bilinear interpolation .


  21. The main symptoms of VDT asthenopia are eye dryness , blurred vision , eye soreness and so on . 2 .


  22. Sofar , this isn 't the longest that Hubble has been inactive since NASA's1993 mission to correct its blurred vision .


  23. The problems with liner entering the tear film ranges from minor discomfort for those with dry or sensitive eyes to more serious infections and blurred vision .


  24. Quinine is known to cause nausea , blurred vision and hallucinations , but until now no one has been able to explain these side-effects .


  25. Gotho 's grandson also said the elder was in relatively good health , suffering only from blurred vision and loss of hearing , and enjoyed his days smoking and eating .


  26. it causes blurred vision , rapid breathing , heavy sweating , confusion , headaches , nausea and at the very worst cases , convulsions , paralysis and death .


  27. Although patching has been the standard of care , parents preferred the painless atropine drops , which blurred vision in the good eye , forcing the affected eye to work harder .


  28. Nausea , vomiting , diarrhoea , blurred vision , dizziness , headache , pancreatitis , muscle spasm , cramps , hypotension and allergic reactions may occur .


  29. Slurred speech , blurred vision and an inability to walk without swaying can occur after a few drinks but chronic alcohol abuse can cause more lasting damage and poor general health .


  30. It 's a special kind of headache that goes way beyond just pain and can include nausea , vomiting , painful sensitivity to stimuli , blurred vision , and even loss of consciousness .
